Sunday, 12 June 2011

Jacob's Ladder Beach in October 2010

This is my favourite photo taken in October 2010
When most of the tourists have departed and we feel the town and beaches belong once again to the residents

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Colyford Garage

This garage and petrol filling station is on the main A3052 between Sidmouth and Seaton.
It only ceased selling petrol around 2000.
It had links with Lawrence of Arabia - who lived nearby and often refuelled his motorcycle here. It is now a motor museum.

Friday, 13 February 2009

Winter sea scene

Winter low tide Sidmouth town beach looking west towards Peak Hill.

Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Woollies is Closing Down

I went to Sidmouth today to look in the sales. It was sad to see Woolworths full of customers scrabbling for last minute bargains. A closing down sale with signs that "Everything must Go", including the shop fittings. I don't require or want any shop fittings so I didn't venture inside.
Sidmouth also has a small knit ware shop called Woollies. That also is to close. I wonder how many other stores will shut up shop before this depression is over.
I hope the small individual shops will remain. I will do my best by spreading my money around and continuing to avoid the small Tesco Express store. This Dairy Shop is where I always direct my visitors. So that they can post cream home to friends and family.

Monday, 29 December 2008


'Daffodil Ron' White a local speaker, daffodil expert and garden show judge died recently. He was a member of the Sidmouth Garden Club.

Saturday, 25 October 2008

Ann Bagwell was a keen flower arranger and member of the Sidmouth Garden Club for over 30 years. Sadly she died earlier this year.

Saturday, 28 June 2008

Sidmouth Roads

Driving around Sidmouth old town can be tricky. The roads are narrow. Tradesmen often have to park outside a cottage leaving very little room for cars to pass them.

It can be particularly awkward round a corner or bend when you often find your way forward blocked by an oncoming car. One has to be prepared to do a great deal of reversing.

City folk driving large SUVs or posh city 4x4 often find negotiating small tight spots very tricky. It seems to me they'd prefer to drive right over you rather than reverse at all.

Saturday, 14 June 2008

Barrington Villas

Just the kind of house I would enjoy living in. In Sidmouth near the town centre. Short walk to the beach. On the level and close to shops. River view. And car parking space at the rear. Perfect.

Sunday, 25 May 2008

Traditional Skills

Thatchers can always be found working in the Sidmouth area somewhere.

Sunday, 30 December 2007

River Otter

The River Otter just before it reaches the beach at Budleigh Salterton.
There is a good walk from here inland towards Otterton and the Mill (coffee and scone).
There are plenty of opportunites for bird watching along the banks.

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Monday, 19 November 2007

River Sid

Cars ford the River Sid. A popular short cut for locals.

Visitors to the area have had problems. Posts had to be erected to prevent drivers from turning left to 'drive' up or down the river, as commanded by their Sat Nav system, rather than turning left on emerging from the ford.

Monday, 5 November 2007

Saturday, 31 March 2007

Spring Sunshine in Sidmouth

At the first hint of warm sun we all enjoy finding a sheltered spot to sit and enjoy a breath of sea air.

Monday, 20 November 2006

Red Arrows

The Red Arrows over Bulverton Hill, Sidmouth. Photograph taken from a vantage point on Stowford Rise.